Ruskin Park Community Garden is a space for the local community to grow fruit and veg. Anyone is welcome to our weekly Edible Gardening sessions on Saturdays from 12pm to 3pm, where volunteers can learn how to grow veg by doing.
To find out more email or follow us on Twitter or Instagram.
Join us: Edible Gardening Saturdays 12-3pm
We run drop-in gardening sessions every week.
About the Community Garden
Find out more about the Community Garden and how it works.
History of the Community Garden
Read about the history of the Ruskin Park Community Garden since we started out in 2010.
News from the community garden
Read on for hot topics from the AGM and photos from a celebratory harvest feast.
Free Gardening Talks and Workshops
Join the Ruskin Park Community Garden for a series of gardening talks and workshops.