Community sauna planned for Ruskin Park

An exciting new amenity for the park from April 2025.

Trees in Ruskin Park

Sponsor a tree in Ruskin Park

Would you like to sponsor a new tree in Ruskin Park? Find out more.

Wanted: Wellbeing Gardener

We are looking to work with a freelance gardener to manage the Willow Garden in Ruskin Park.

Chess in the park

'Check' out our new chess tables.

Photography competition winners

Check out the best entries on the theme of Lights, Camera, Action!

Plans for the stable block

Architects have been commissioned to restore the building.

Redevelopment of the gravel sports pitches

An update from Lambeth Council.

Path repairs under way

Lambeth Council’s contractor has started work on a programme of repairs to paths in the park.

Toilet refurbishment

The toilets near the playground will be closed for refurbishment from 24 June for approximately 3 weeks.

Photography Competition – entries close 31st July

It's back, so get snapping! Yes, the Friends of Ruskin Park annual photography competition is now open for entries.

Music at the Bandstand – Fortnightly Sundays from July

Free music at the bandstand, fortnightly Sundays 3pm to 5pm from July.

Ruskin Park Summer Fete – Saturday 15th June 2024

Join us from 12pm to 6pm for a great day out for friends and family in your favourite park.